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Lomdei's Professional Developement and Coaching Program

PD and Coaching Packages

Package 1:
Foundations (PD & Coaching)

The Foundations package is a prerequisite for the BPL program. This course is geared to provide the newer teacher with the necessary classroom foundations that he/she should be proficient in. The teacher meets with their coach 12 times over the course of the year as well as participates in 1 workshop.
The coach will guide the teacher in achieving mastery in the “Big Four”: behavior (classroom management), content (organization of curricular materials), instruction (lesson planning & curriculum design), and assessment.
Once the teacher has mastered these areas, he/she is then ready to participate and appreciate the Blended & Personalized Learning course and are in a position to make it a successful and meaningful experience.

4 hour remote workshop over Zoom

1:1 Coaching
12 sessions of 1:1 coaching over the course of the year, including 3-4 sessions over the first 2 months of the year and then 1 session every month after.

Principal Check In
Our director, Mrs. Chani Richmond, will be checking in with the coaches and then with the principals 3 times over the course of the year to provide updates, goals, and measurables that have been pre-set.

Package 2:
The BPL Classroom (PD & Coaching)

This course is geared towards teachers who have mastered foundational areas in their classroom (classroom management, lesson planning, curriculum development just to name a few) and are ready to implement Blended and Personalized Learning (BPL) methodology in their classroom. These teachers will gain the understanding and tools necessary to successfully run a BPL class on their own.
This year-long program includes workshops, one-on-one coaching, and participation in a community of like-minded educators to share ideas, experiences, and successes.

12 hours of remote workshops over zoom broken up into 4 sessions.
In-person workshops are an option; ask us for more details.

1:1 Coaching
10 sessions of 1:1 remote coaching between 30-40 min each.
Ask us about the option of on-site visits or in-person observations.

Principal Check In
Our director, Mrs. Chani Richmond, will be checking in with the coaches and then with the principals 3 times over the course of the year to provide updates, goals, and measurables that have been pre-set.

Package 3:
Building Blocks to Maintaining BPL (Coaching)

This advanced coaching is geared towards teachers who participated in Lomdei’s BPL course, gaining knowledge, experience and implementing this methodology in their classrooms. These teachers will build on their knowledge and experiences to take the next steps in the successful implementation of BPL by focussing on areas that they were not yet able to address in year 1.
Coaching sessions will take place 5 times over the course of the year and enable teachers to walk away and implement a sound BPL classroom in future years.

1:1 Coaching
5 sessions of 1:1 remote coaching between 30-40 min each

Leadership Role/ Mentoring
Year 2 teachers will have the opportunity to mentor year 1 teachers. This can look different in each school, allowing for meetings between cohort 1 and cohort 2 teachers and or classroom observations, learning walks, etc. The coach will support the teacher in this role as he/she can now be a role model for the new cohort of teachers within the school.

Principal Check In
Our director, Mrs. Chani Richmond, will be checking in with the coaches and then with the principals 3 times over the course of the year to provide updates, goals, and measurables that have been pre-set.

Package 4:
Building Blocks to Maintaining Growth

This coaching is geared towards teachers who participated in any of Lomdei’s courses. These teachers will build on their knowledge and experiences to take the next steps in the successful implementation of their practice by focusing on areas that they were not yet able to address in year 1.

1:1 Coaching
10 sessions of 1:1 remote coaching between 30-40 min each

Leadership Role/ Mentoring
Year 2 teachers will have the opportunity to mentor year 1 teachers. This can look different in each school, allowing for meetings between cohort 1 and cohort 2 teachers and or classroom observations, learning walks, etc. The coach will support the teacher in this role as he/she can now be a role model for the new cohort of teachers within the school.

Principal Check In
Our director, Mrs. Chani Richmond, will be checking in with the coaches and then with the principals 3 times over the course of the year to provide updates, goals, and measurables that have been pre-set.

To learn more about how Lomdei's BPL Program can benefit your school and teachers, please contact us.

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