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Learning Platform

The Premier Torah-Learning Software Platform in Jewish Day Schools

Equipped With a Library of Skill-Building Limudei Kodesh Content

Customized Skill Standards in Limudei Kodesh Covering All Grade Levels

Endorsed by Torah Umesorah

Closeup of Learning Platform Division screen

PD & Coaching

Custom Professional Developement & Coaching in Both Limudei Kodesh and General Studies

Geared Towards the Curricular Needs and Religious Values of Jewish Schools and Mosdos Torah

Can be Successful With or Without the Use of Technology

Learn More See BPL Packages
Students learning collaboratively in a small group

Lomdei’s mission is to promote the ideals of
להגדיל תורה ולהאדירה and חנוך לנער אל פי דרכו.

We channel this mission through our multiple divisions, in nearly 100 schools, with more than 300 teachers, and 8500 students annually!

See a List of Current Lomdei Schools

Contact Us to Learn More or Get Started

What Makes Lomdei Unique

A rebbe leads learning in small group
Custom PD & Coaching developed by expert frum educators geared for frum schools
A student learns with the Lomdei Platform
Largest Library of skill building content in Limudei Kodesh
Students and teacher learn in a small group
Making our programs relevant by accommodating the haskafic needs of schools
Mrs. Chani Richmond meets with school heads
BPL Coaching Training Program for Rabbaim and Moros
Lomdei Community of Teachers Zoom screen
Building and supporting community for both our divisions
Closeup of Learning Platform Division screen
Comprehensive teacher support and professional, detailed feedback for Principals